Friday, March 17, 2017

McConnell Ancestry – The Story of the Quinn and Saunders Ancestral Farms: Crew Townlands, Glenavy, County Antrim, c1840

The Crew Townlands are located a few miles southwest of Glenavy, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, via the Crewe Rd. It was here that William Harold Quinn (1789-1850) and his wife Elizabeth (Betsy) Saunders (1798-1863) owned a modest flax farm, where their 10 children were born (view details of the family tree online).

The Quinn farm was an average size, 17 Irish acres, 1 rood, 12 perches which is about 28 of our acres. Our acre is 4840, while an Irish acre is 7840 sq. yards, (1.62 times larger.)

The old Quinn home (Lot #12) is the barn on the right and it still stands at 53 Crewe Rd, Glenavy, Crumlin BT29 4NG, UK. It’s well worth a look on Google/streetview.

William and Elizabeth, along with their entire family, emigrated to Percy Township, Northumberland County, Canada West (Ontario) in the early 1840s. Their daughter, Mary Quinn, married James Allen McConnell in Dummer Township, Peterborough County, in August 1844. The Saunders brothers, John and William, left neighbouring farms and emigrated at about the same time. New owners were recorded in the Crew allotment records. Little trace of either the Quinn or Saunders families remained and the past was murky.

To learn more about the Irish ancestry of the Quinn and Saunders Ancestral Farms in Crew Townlands, Glenavy, County Antrim, download the article by Dan L. Reid, 2017 and visit the following online sites:

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